The university requires full payment of the one (1) year fees or an instalment payment of 50% of the fees must be paid before a student can be enrolled in any of the courses. The balance of 50% must be paid at the start of the second semester. Students are warned that failure to comply with this law will automatically lead to the cancellation of their enrolment. No student shall be admitted to any course of study unless he/she has paid all the prescribed fees e.g. (library, sports, student union, etc). No degree, diploma, or another award of the university shall be made to any student who is in debt for any reason to the university and or has in his/her possession any property belonging to the university.


Refunds will not normally be made after the course has started, except where the course is cancelled by the university. The transfer of fees to another student will not be allowed in any circumstance. A refund will be made: 10% will be deducted for administration charges in case the university cancels or does not start a course because the minimum number of students on the course is low, or for any other reason. The refund process is 4 weeks after the receipt of a written refund request.